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call you to talk about: Thetford Toilet Bowl Cleaner 750ml

Thetford Toilet Bowl Cleaner 750ml

Ref No: 050037
Please note: This product is for click and collect only from our store in Knottingley, West Yorkshire
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Main Description

Also available: seal, deep clean, descale, fresh water, tank fresh, bathroom

Removes hard water and soil deposits while safe for plastic and toilet seals.

Descaling qualities ensure a smooth surface of the toilet bowl, preventing build up of soil.

Provides optimal hygiene and creates shine and brilliance.

This concentrated formula coats the bowl for better cleaning and targets hard to reach areas.

Thoroughly cleans leaving a lovely fresh scent behind.

How to measure for the size of your awning

How to measure for the size of your awning

  1. 1. Ensure your caravan is on a level standing.
  2. 2. Get a piece of string or tape measure. Using the string/tape measure, measure from front ground level around the awning rail and back down to the ground level at the back. Take the measurements in centimeters.